
After the Deluge

After revolution is said and done you’ll know exactly which academics, elitists, intellectuals and pundits to hold responsible for all the bloodshed by how strongly they opposed direct democracy and referendum in the name of maintaining democracy.

For example, British politician Chris Patten accusing referendum of being anti-democratic as if that makes any sense at all.

I wouldn’t want to be Chris Patten if what happened in Ukraine ever happened in London…

Artistic Composition: “The Butterfly Effect”


A gentlemen from Ukraine confused about which side to believe looks to the internet for information from various different sources.  He stumbles across a website linking up to an article from another internet activist concerned with what’s taking place because of what the situation means symbolically for many people around the world.

Of the countless conflicting sources and perspectives he’s already sifted through, something from this article snags onto his psyche because it matches up with truth on many different levels and comes from someone who seems well-intentioned.  The conscious and subconscious perspective of this Ukrainian gentleman has been altered in a small but significant way and his brain feeds that nugget of honest perspective until it grows into great confidence.  Soon this affects his speech, his actions, his facial expressions and others around pick up on what’s happening – on even a subconscious level – just based on the conscious and unconscious cues stemming from this one gentlemen.  Soon they see things more clearly as well.  The divide which was so brutal invariably tips in favour of the more conscientious faction.  This small tip accelerates the conflict to a hasty and sensical {neologism} resolution as the less enlightened faction senses inevitable defeat and finally surrenders.
